Feb 24, 2019
Allie Casazza is from Southern California, married her junior high sweetheart, and is a mom to 4 young children.
She inspires and encourages her audience at AllieCasazza.com, is the host of The Purpose Show, and is the creator of Your Uncluttered Home - an online decluttering course that earned her national attention...
Feb 17, 2019
Pat Rigsby is a dad, husband, business coach, entrepreneur & author. He’s built over 25 different businesses, including 2 Entrepreneur Franchise 500 award winning franchises. Today he coaches entrepreneurs to create their Ideal Business, one that allows them to earn more, have a greater impact, and enjoy more freedom...
Feb 10, 2019
Daniel Eisenman graduated Pre-Med from Emory University with a BS (Key Acro-nym) in Biology & even took the MCAT about 10 years ago.
Before applying to medical school to stay on the path of "NORMAL" as people advised him, he decided to "take a year off."
That year off has now turned into a decade of BREAKING...
Feb 3, 2019
Dr. Pat Luse is among the most highly trained chiropractors in America today and is the president of Tri-State Physicians and Physical Therapy Clinic, which ranks in the top 1% of clinics in the US.
Pat is a certified lifestyle coach and has treated tens of thousands of patients from all across America and around the...